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Hours of Service Calculator

The Hours of Service Calculator from the Truckers Trip Planning App allows solo and team truck drivers to recap their hours of service to see how much time they have available to run a load and the remaining hours of service they will have after they run the load.

As Professional Drivers, we all know that the most stressful part of driving is the constant race you have with time and it stands to be the reality that no matter how fast you drive, time will always win that race. Based on that fact alone, your safety and the safety of all those around you is dependent upon your ability to eliminate the risk of driving while under the tremendous stress of trying to reach your destination before time runs out on you.

Needless to say, stress is the root cause of driver fatigue, driver injuries, accidents, and road rage. With the developing of the Truckers Trip Planning App, you now have access to the tools you need to get at the root of this problem.

While most truck drivers would argue that they don't need an hours of service calculator since they can get their remaining hours of service from their logging device, it is obvious that they have not yet realized that "eliminating the need to race time and the elimination of not knowing if you can deliver your load on time" is an essential element in eliminating unnecessary stress while driving.

The Hours of Service Calculator is included on the Dispatchers, Company Drivers, Leased, and Owner Operator Truckers Trip Planning Apps and it is very simple to use.

The #HoursofServiceCalculator the #TruckersTripPlanningWorksheet and the #HoursofServiceETACalculator from the Truckers Trip Planning App works together to help you see what the load requires and whether or not you have the remaining hours of service to fulfill those requirements. Your Electronic Logging Device doesn't tell you that.

All you will have to do Initially is to copy your 8 days log from your ELD and record it on the hours of service calculator and (if necessary) check the date of your last reset. This is the same approach no matter what #HOSRules you use. From there, each night at midnight when the day changes over, the date, hours, and minutes will drop down to open up day 8 for you to record your new hours. Unless you do a total reset this information is forever persistent and feeds into the Hours of Service ETA Calculator for load related calculations.

While it may seem unnecessary, the Hours of Service Calculator is an integral part of the #ETACalculator and together they can help you to eliminate unnecessary stress.

Get Access to the Truckers Trip Planning App and Use the Hours of Service Calculator to help determine whether you have the required hours of service and whether you can successfully deliver your load on time before accepting the load.

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